Thursday, May 22, 2008

Woven Neck Tie Chair Workshop with Diane and the Callithump!

If you have ever stopped by Artascope and checked out our fabulous gallery full of artistic treasures made by our very own teachers and stewards, then you would surely remember Diane's fabulous series of Woven Neck Tie Chairs. Diane was savvy to find a class on saving your old wicker/caned chairs by replacing the thrush with old neck ties. Diane has mastered the art of weaving patterns and colors into exquisite works of art. Here are some pictures of Diane's students and their own Silk Tie Chairs from her impromptu workshop held earlier this month. The class was created when one of Diane's patrons purchased a chair and asked to be taught the process. Her daughter and a few of our stewards/local artists joined in for a Sunday afternoon of sewing, weaving and silk tie fun!

So make sure to take a stroll through our gallery to see one of Diane's new chair creations. Don't forget to bring a few quarters with you for our new Callithump! Vending Machine recently acquired by Artascope. Curious? Diane's daughter and son in law are taking their Vending Machine Art on the road. A Callithump! is a magazine that is sold out of toy capsule vending machines. Each capsule contains an "article," which might be a poem, a series of photographs, a small sculpture... really anything that they can create multiples of that fits inside a capsule! Never know what you'll end up with. Check out their website at