Monday, April 28, 2008

Mosaic Garden Stone and Hammered Metal Jewelry Review

It was a busy night at Artascope Studios for two popular Art Night Out classes- Mosaic Garden Stone and Hammered Metal Jewelry- filling our 2 first floor studios with lots of sounds of clanking metals, snapping glass and conversations between students.

Check out some of the beautiful mosaic designs the students created for their garden stones. You could just hear the excitement about getting out into the gardens to display their new creations. A great way to welcome in spring.

Laurie helped her students lay out the design to make sure they have the right color combinations and bit and pieces for a desired effect. Safely glasses are a must for students breaking up glass mosaics to make their needed shapes. The final design in applied to contact paper and laid in the bottom of a stepping stone making container.....round plastic containers make perfect stepping stone molds. The concrete in poured over and the students come back in a day or two to pick up their final piece.

One cool side note on the Mosaics class was that every student signed up over the web. This is a very exciting new tool for all of our Art Night Out customers. Instead of giving us a ring to sign up for a class, you can sign up on line through PayPal at any time day or night. Under every class description, there is a sign up now button. Sweet! Check out the link....

Hammered Metal Jewelry with Betina was taken to a new level. No one held back in creating one of a kind pieces. Betina toaught everyone techniques to twist, bend and play with the wire into the desired effect. Hammering comes after to add texture and dimension to their items. One student embellished her beautiful blass dragonfly with luscious glass beads. Check out the 3-D sculpture using copper, brass and silver wire. Quite a masterpiece. The money clip is my favorite of the night. What a fun gift to make....always something new brewing in these studios.